Witwisit Hirunwongkul Philippines FC

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A Filipino fans forum for the Thai artist, Witwisit Hirunwongkul

14 posters

    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Honorary Pchynatic
    Honorary Pchynatic

    Number of posts : 3956
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    Registration date : 2010-09-13

    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by doaoc07 October 10th 2010, 7:12 am

    Neutral anu b un pinanuod agad ung ending. haha corny
    Certified Pchyholic
    Certified Pchyholic

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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by paulmewtong October 10th 2010, 12:09 pm

    hahaha,, un ang spoiler ..lol
    Honorary Pchynatic
    Honorary Pchynatic

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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by doaoc07 October 14th 2010, 11:29 am

    mack.. sorry this was all i could squeeze out of my tiny brain.. xDD i'll try to add to this later again..

    Honorary Pchynatic
    Honorary Pchynatic

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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by doaoc07 October 14th 2010, 12:44 pm

    mack ^^ i found a link of another tlos2 fan fic.. haha

    Certified Pchyholic
    Certified Pchyholic

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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by paulmewtong October 16th 2010, 6:16 pm

    and they kissed again

    Number of posts : 257
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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by Thake October 20th 2010, 11:30 am

    doaoc07 wrote:mack ^^ i found a link of another tlos2 fan fic.. haha


    yes i opened..Thanks fyi. ganda
    Honorary Pchynatic
    Honorary Pchynatic

    Number of posts : 3956
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    Registration date : 2010-09-13

    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by doaoc07 October 20th 2010, 12:11 pm

    hello Thake ^^ it's me donn_oliver from theloveofsiam.webs.com Razz hahaha

    Number of posts : 257
    Age : 33
    Location : Indonesia
    Registration date : 2010-08-19

    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by Thake October 20th 2010, 12:21 pm

    aaahhh you there!!
    nice meet u..
    hv u fb acc?? hi

    Number of posts : 577
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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by red March 28th 2011, 11:07 pm

    My own sequel of TLOS:


    (The story starts from where part 1 ends.) Mew is crying
    while remembering all the happy moments with Mario. He now lies down on his bed
    and can’t stop crying because one thing is certain, he misses Tong so much.
    From time to time he glances at his cellphone hoping that Tong has a message
    for him. At the same time, Mario is lying on his bed thinking of Mew. He too
    remembers all their happy moments together and while thinking he starts to cry
    missing Mew so much. Just like Mew, he glances at his cellphone hoping that Mew
    has a message for him. Mew is looking at
    his cellphone waiting for Tong to call him while Tong is attempting to dial Mew’s
    number but he can’t and instead he waits for Mew to call him. And finally, both
    of them this time start to dial each
    other’s number and to their dismay, they cannot contact each other because they
    simultaneously dial each other’s number. Mew and Tong cannot really sleep, and
    there is a deep longing for each other.
    Since they cannot contact each other, Mew stands up and starts to play
    the piano while Tong gets his paper and pen and starts to write Mew’s name
    saying ‘ I LOVE YOU MEW” repeatedly.


    On the following day, AB members wait for Mew at
    the studio for their Christmas party but
    Mew has not appeared. So everyone is calling for Mew but Mew is not answering
    the calls and the messages. At the same time, Tong’s friends are calling for
    him but just like Mew, he is not answering calls and messages either. So Non is now heading to Mew’s house to
    know why he is not in the party, and
    when he is already there he sees Mew on the bed chilling for high fever. Tong’s
    friends are calling Sunee to know where Tong is, and since Sunee does not know where
    Tong is, she goes to Tong’s bedroom and there she sees that Tong is chilling
    and has a high fever. So Non hurriedly brings Mew to the hospital and at the same time Sunee
    is bringing Tong to the hospital
    also. Coincidentally, both Mew and Tong
    are brought to the same hospital.

    Non gets out of the hospital room of Mew to gasp
    fresh air and Sunee gets out of Tong’s room to go to the chapel. They get out of the rooms at exactly at the same
    time. Non bumps on Sunee and when both of them recognize each other Sunee asked Non why he is in the hospital,
    then Non told Sunee that Mew is admitted in the hospital for high fever and he
    is confined in the next room. Non asks Sunee why she is there too, and Sunee
    answers that Tong is in the other room
    for high fever also. Their eyes meet and they seem to understand the reason

    SCENE 3:

    When Non gets back to the room of Mew , he told
    Mew that Tong is in the other room because he is also sick. Mew wants to stand up to go to the next room to see Tong
    and to wish him to get well soon. Sunee on the other hand tells Tong that Mew is confined in the other room
    for high fever. Just like Mew Tong wants to go to Mew to see him. This time, Non is asking Mew what he is
    feeling right now and what he wants. There is no answer from mew but he cries. Non is now talking to Mew with a
    sad tone in his voice, and this is how the conversation goes:

    Non: “What do you want Mew?”

    nothing ( he continues to cry)

    Non: If there is nothing then why are you crying?

    Mew: Nothing, avoiding Non’s look

    Non: I am your friend Mew, I’m here to help you.
    Please tell me, what do you want?

    Mew: no

    Non: Do you miss Tong? I’m sorry for asking you
    this question, but is he the reason why you get sick?

    Mew: This time he answers. “Non you may not like
    what I’m going to tell you but I need to tell you the truth, I miss Tong so
    much. It makes me feel so sad knowing that
    we cannot see each other anymore because he decided already to go on
    separate way. It hurts me so much, and without him, I don’t know what life
    would be like.” Then he stops and tears
    continue to fall down his cheeks.

    Non: “It’s alright Mew (Non is tapping Mew’s shoulder
    comforting him) Don’t worry everything will be alright for the both of you.” As
    soon as Tong recovers from his fever,
    I know he will come to visit you.”

    Mew: “ I wish, I wish “

    Non: Hmm Mew, do you love Tong?”

    Mew: At first hesitant to answer but later on he
    said, “ Yes Non, I love him so much. Eversince we were kids, I have already
    loved him” . I was very happy when we
    met again at Siam Square. He is my joy, he gives meaning to my life” I love him
    so much”

    Non: Holds Mew’s hand tightly and whispered to Mew. “Everything will be
    alright between you and Tong , Mew, everything will be alright”

    In the other room, Sunee talked to Tong, and this is how the
    conversation goes:

    Sunee: “Tong,
    is something bothering you? Is Mew the reason why
    you feel so weak lately and is he the reason why you get sick? Please tell me
    the truth son !”

    Tong: Trying to control his emotion, he answered
    answered: “Yes mom, Mew makes me happy whenever we are together. He gives me so
    much inspiration, and he is the reason why I want to succeed. Since we wre
    kids, we love each other already” then slowly tears fall down on his cheeks.

    Sunee: Tong, Donut loves you , why don’t you divert
    your attention to her. She’s a nice girl and she’s pretty. Both of you are

    Tong: Mom, I
    realize I have no feelings for Donut. It’s mew that I love. Tong whispers these
    lines, I love Mew, I love Mew.” I want to see him. I want to be with him.” Then
    he cried

    Sunee: Tong, get well and I promise you that when
    you are already okay, I will allow you to go to Mew’s house to visit him. Then
    he hugs Tong and said, I’m sorry son, Im sorry”


    Three days past, both Mew and Tong are healed from
    their sickness and so they are advised already to go home. But just before Non
    and Mew pack their things up, mew’s phone rang. At first he did not mind it and
    since the call was insistent, he asked Non to give it to him and to his
    surprise, it was Tong calling him.

    Mew: Hello Tong ! I’m surprised you call

    Tong: Hmm Mew, how are you now?

    Mew: I’m okay, what about you?

    Tong: I’m also okay and we are going home now

    Mew: Me too I’m going home with Non

    Tong: Hmm Mew, would like to ride with us

    Mew: Thank you Tong but I can’t because Non has
    already called a taxi.

    Tong: “Ah okay, can I go to your house tonight at
    6 p.m.?”

    Mew: Tonque tied said “ Yes”

    After their short cellphone conversation, there
    was a smile on their faces. They seem to be very happy. Tong whispered to
    himself “ Thank you Mew, thank you”. At the same time Mew told himself “ Thank
    you Lord, thank you.


    It’s 5:45
    in the afternoon already and Mew seems very restless. He keeps on getting out
    of their house to see if a car is coming or if someone is coming. He is too
    excited to see Tong. Just as he was about to get inside his house, he hears someone calling his name. He
    recognizes easily the voice, it was Non with the other AB members. They were
    forcing Mew to come with them to celebrate Mew’s recovery. They want him to go
    with them to a restaurant to eat. Mew refused but the AB members were so
    insistent that they were able to bring Mew with them. So just as the taxi
    leaves , where AB members and Mew are
    riding, Tong arrives. He is calling Mew but there was no answer. So he called Mew’s number and it was answered.

    Mew: “Hey Tong, Im with the August band, they
    asked me to eat with them in a restaurant. Im really sorry.”

    Tong: Sadden by this, said, “ It’s okay Mew, there
    are other times where we can meet. Okay enjoy your dinner and send my regards
    to the August members.”

    Mew: “Okay Tong, take care.”

    Tong: “Take
    care Mew”

    After two
    hours, August band and Mew went home. They rode on different taxis. When Mew
    got down from the taxi he could see from a distance that someone is sitting on
    the bench outside his house. And as he gets nearer, he recognizes that it was Tong with eyes closed.

    Due perhaps to the sound of the taxi as it leaves
    with a noisy sound, Tong woke up and saw Mew coming, in slow motion with an
    emotional background music, he stood up and
    look at Mew. They are approaching each other in slow motion, with tears in
    their eyes they hug tightly saying “ I love you to each other”.

    Tong: “I’m sorry Mew, but I can’t live without you”

    Mew: I’m sorry too Tong for not seeing you. Im sorry.

    Tong: Mew, I am not going home tonight, I want to
    spend my time with you tonight just like before. If it’s alright with you, I’ll
    sleep here tonight.

    Mew: Okay Tong, you are very welcome here.

    Then , just like in part 1, they were talking
    while they were lying on the bed. Mew is
    telling Tong how happy he was when they
    met at Siam Square and how inspired he
    was when Tong is around. Then Tong is telling him also that there can be no
    other person that he will love but Mew.

    There were so much happiness on the faces of Mew
    and Tong and just before they sleep, they kiss each other good night. This time
    Tong is wrapped around Mew’s body saying” I love Mew; I hope that we will be
    together until we die” Then Mew said, “I love you too Tong, I will love you
    till the end of time.”

    To be continued

    Number of posts : 577
    Age : 103
    Location : Davao, Philippines
    Registration date : 2011-02-23

    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by red March 29th 2011, 12:36 am



    It’s 7:00 o’clock in the morning. Mew woke up first yet he could not move as of yet since Tong is still deeply sleeping in his body. He just
    looks at Tong smiling saying Thank you
    Tong then whispered “I love you Tong.” Maybe Tong heard what he whispered. Tong opened his eyes lifted
    his head up high to see mew’s face. He smiled at Mew and said to him “ Thank
    you Mew”. Hurriedly, he stood up and bid Mew goodbye for he had to rush home.
    They held their hands very tightly and
    bid farewell to each other. As Tong left, Mew was looking at Tong ( showing
    Tong walking away in slow motion. Then the song “Love isn’t Everything is
    Played in the Background.)


    An hour after Tong left, Aex called telling Mew to
    dress up because they will go shopping at the mall in Siam Square. Happy Mew
    was, he consented . he took a bath, dressed up and off he went. Mew was thinking
    that AB members are also there but to his surprise it was only Aex waiting for
    him at the lobby of the mall. Mew asked where the others are. Aex answered they
    don’t want to go malling. Well, Pchy did not complain anymore after all he was
    so happy of his relationship status with Tong.

    In the mall, while Mew was searching for something
    to buy, he did not notice that Aex (Non) kept on staring at him. Each time Aex
    looks at him, there is some kind of a
    deep longing to have Mew by his side all the time. Since there was nothing that
    Mew bought, he asked the latter to eat
    with him at a nearby restaurant. Since Mew was already hungry, he agreed and
    they went to a romantic restaurant and Bossa Songs were played. While they were
    eating, Aex asked few some questions:

    Aex: How
    are you today Mew? Is everything okay?

    Mew: Of
    course Aex.

    Aex: Ahh,
    did Tong call you already?

    Mew: He slept in the house last night

    Aex: So you’re happy now?

    Mew: Very happy Aex because me and Tong are back
    into each other’s arms again

    At this point, Aex stood up and excused himself to
    visit the CR. While at the CR, he looked at himself at the mirror and he could
    feel that any moment his tears would start to fall. He was trying to convince
    himself that it’s nothing but the more thought of it the more lonely he became. He stayed at
    the CR for almost an hour that he did not notice that Mew was already on his rear.

    Mew was asking Aex why it took him too long to go
    back to the table. Aex did not answer and instead, hurriedly he walked away
    heading towards their table.. Mew called him up but to no avail because
    Aex did not listen to him. Mew followed
    him and when he got the chance to ask him , he said, “Aex what’s going on with
    you? Why are you so silent now and you even look sad and lonely. Why what’s
    going on with you?” Aex looked at Mew closely and said, “Mew, I don’t know what
    to say to you but I think you are very special to me.”

    Right after saying that, Aex held Mew’s hands and
    asked him, “Love me Mew, please love me.” Mew stood up and said Aex, “ Aex, what are you talking about?
    I don’t understand you?” Then Aex held Mew’s hands more tightly this time
    saying, “ Mew at the time you were sick and crying for Tong, I felt some
    strange feeling for you, and I knew what it was Mew.” Then Mew asked, “ What
    was it Aex? Aex looked him straight to his eyes and said without hesitation, “Love
    Mew, Love”. Mew threw Aex hand’s away from him and said, “Aex, you
    are my best friend and I love you as my bestfriend, and you know who I love, it’s
    Tong. I have no other love but Tong. Aex, it’s Tong that I love.” After saying
    this, Aex stood up and ran away crying.

    scenario in part 1 when they were kids)

    It was late in the afternoon when Tong invited Mew
    to go to the sea park. They talked
    about their childhood. They were so happy recalling their past. They recalled
    the time Tong threw a bubble gum on Mew , the time Mew was bullied by his
    school mates and how Tong helped him and they also recalled the time Tong gave
    him a wooden doll. Tong and Mew were so
    happy that afternoon, they sang songs , they played around and ate together.
    That afternoon was the happiest of the two who love each other dearly.

    From afar, Aex was staring at them. He seemed so
    jealous of what he saw . He felt he was stabbed to death. Hurt by what he saw,
    he left with a heavy heart.


    It was 11:00 o’clock in the evening and it’s time
    for Mew and Tong to go home. Tong wanted to walk with Mew to his house but Mew
    said not to anymore since it’s late already and Auntie Sunee might have been waiting for Tong already at
    home. Tong consented and said “take care” tio Mew and mew said the same thing.

    While Mew was nearing his house,he saw Aex seated
    at the bench outside his house. He asked
    Aex why he is there when it’s late already. Aex told him that he wanted to talk
    to him. Mew said that they can do that the next day. Mew told Aex to go home, but
    Aex refused to go home and instead opted to stay for he wanted to talk to Mew.
    Mew gave in but he gave Aex a condition that it would only be 5 minutes.

    During that time, Tong got back proceeding to Mew’s
    house because he wanted to borrow their new CD so he has music to listen to
    before he retires at night. While he was heading to mew’s house, Aex was
    telling Mew that he finds it difficult to
    remove his feelings for him, and that he wanted Mew to help him
    remove that feeling.

    Mew: Aex, we are good friends right, so let us not go beyond that because you are a
    friend to me””

    At his point, Tong was already at the door of Mew’s
    house and he could already hear the conversation between Mew and Aex.

    Aex: “Mew, I love you and I’m so hurt and so jealous of Tong “

    Mew: (This time, Mew is holding Aex both hands.
    Tong could hear and see them through the door) Aex, I love you also ( just before he uttered “but as a friend”)

    hurriedly left as if bringing a baggage with him

    Mew threw Aex hands away and followed Tong calling
    him .

    To be

    Number of posts : 158
    Age : 44
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    Registration date : 2011-03-15

    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by jose March 29th 2011, 10:19 am

    I was teary eyed reading your own sequel of TLOS; ang sarap ng feeling pag alam mong nagkabalikan na yung dalawang nagmamahalan. Tapusin mo red ha kasi susubaybayan ko tong story na to.Thanks
    Honorary Pchynatic
    Honorary Pchynatic

    Number of posts : 3809
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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by Silent_Pen March 31st 2011, 12:57 am

    red wrote:Continuation:


    It’s 7:00 o’clock in the morning. Mew woke up first yet he could not move as of yet since Tong is still deeply sleeping in his body. He just
    looks at Tong smiling saying Thank you
    Tong then whispered “I love you Tong.” Maybe Tong heard what he whispered. Tong opened his eyes lifted
    his head up high to see mew’s face. He smiled at Mew and said to him “ Thank
    you Mew”. Hurriedly, he stood up and bid Mew goodbye for he had to rush home.
    They held their hands very tightly and
    bid farewell to each other. As Tong left, Mew was looking at Tong ( showing
    Tong walking away in slow motion. Then the song “Love isn’t Everything is
    Played in the Background.)


    An hour after Tong left, Aex called telling Mew to
    dress up because they will go shopping at the mall in Siam Square. Happy Mew
    was, he consented . he took a bath, dressed up and off he went. Mew was thinking
    that AB members are also there but to his surprise it was only Aex waiting for
    him at the lobby of the mall. Mew asked where the others are. Aex answered they
    don’t want to go malling. Well, Pchy did not complain anymore after all he was
    so happy of his relationship status with Tong.

    In the mall, while Mew was searching for something
    to buy, he did not notice that Aex (Non) kept on staring at him. Each time Aex
    looks at him, there is some kind of a
    deep longing to have Mew by his side all the time. Since there was nothing that
    Mew bought, he asked the latter to eat
    with him at a nearby restaurant. Since Mew was already hungry, he agreed and
    they went to a romantic restaurant and Bossa Songs were played. While they were
    eating, Aex asked few some questions:

    Aex: How
    are you today Mew? Is everything okay?

    Mew: Of
    course Aex.

    Aex: Ahh,
    did Tong call you already?

    Mew: He slept in the house last night

    Aex: So you’re happy now?

    Mew: Very happy Aex because me and Tong are back
    into each other’s arms again

    At this point, Aex stood up and excused himself to
    visit the CR. While at the CR, he looked at himself at the mirror and he could
    feel that any moment his tears would start to fall. He was trying to convince
    himself that it’s nothing but the more thought of it the more lonely he became. He stayed at
    the CR for almost an hour that he did not notice that Mew was already on his rear.

    Mew was asking Aex why it took him too long to go
    back to the table. Aex did not answer and instead, hurriedly he walked away
    heading towards their table.. Mew called him up but to no avail because
    Aex did not listen to him. Mew followed
    him and when he got the chance to ask him , he said, “Aex what’s going on with
    you? Why are you so silent now and you even look sad and lonely. Why what’s
    going on with you?” Aex looked at Mew closely and said, “Mew, I don’t know what
    to say to you but I think you are very special to me.”

    Right after saying that, Aex held Mew’s hands and
    asked him, “Love me Mew, please love me.” Mew stood up and said Aex, “ Aex, what are you talking about?
    I don’t understand you?” Then Aex held Mew’s hands more tightly this time
    saying, “ Mew at the time you were sick and crying for Tong, I felt some
    strange feeling for you, and I knew what it was Mew.” Then Mew asked, “ What
    was it Aex? Aex looked him straight to his eyes and said without hesitation, “Love
    Mew, Love”. Mew threw Aex hand’s away from him and said, “Aex, you
    are my best friend and I love you as my bestfriend, and you know who I love, it’s
    Tong. I have no other love but Tong. Aex, it’s Tong that I love.” After saying
    this, Aex stood up and ran away crying.

    scenario in part 1 when they were kids)

    It was late in the afternoon when Tong invited Mew
    to go to the sea park. They talked
    about their childhood. They were so happy recalling their past. They recalled
    the time Tong threw a bubble gum on Mew , the time Mew was bullied by his
    school mates and how Tong helped him and they also recalled the time Tong gave
    him a wooden doll. Tong and Mew were so
    happy that afternoon, they sang songs , they played around and ate together.
    That afternoon was the happiest of the two who love each other dearly.

    From afar, Aex was staring at them. He seemed so
    jealous of what he saw . He felt he was stabbed to death. Hurt by what he saw,
    he left with a heavy heart.


    It was 11:00 o’clock in the evening and it’s time
    for Mew and Tong to go home. Tong wanted to walk with Mew to his house but Mew
    said not to anymore since it’s late already and Auntie Sunee might have been waiting for Tong already at
    home. Tong consented and said “take care” tio Mew and mew said the same thing.

    While Mew was nearing his house,he saw Aex seated
    at the bench outside his house. He asked
    Aex why he is there when it’s late already. Aex told him that he wanted to talk
    to him. Mew said that they can do that the next day. Mew told Aex to go home, but
    Aex refused to go home and instead opted to stay for he wanted to talk to Mew.
    Mew gave in but he gave Aex a condition that it would only be 5 minutes.

    During that time, Tong got back proceeding to Mew’s
    house because he wanted to borrow their new CD so he has music to listen to
    before he retires at night. While he was heading to mew’s house, Aex was
    telling Mew that he finds it difficult to
    remove his feelings for him, and that he wanted Mew to help him
    remove that feeling.

    Mew: Aex, we are good friends right, so let us not go beyond that because you are a
    friend to me””

    At his point, Tong was already at the door of Mew’s
    house and he could already hear the conversation between Mew and Aex.

    Aex: “Mew, I love you and I’m so hurt and so jealous of Tong “

    Mew: (This time, Mew is holding Aex both hands.
    Tong could hear and see them through the door) Aex, I love you also ( just before he uttered “but as a friend”)

    hurriedly left as if bringing a baggage with him

    Mew threw Aex hands away and followed Tong calling
    him .

    To be

    The plot is nice but I think it goes on really fast. You should be more detailed somehow especially in the special moments Wink

    Number of posts : 577
    Age : 103
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    Registration date : 2011-02-23

    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by red April 3rd 2011, 11:49 am

    That's a good suggestion; I will try to make it more detailed.
    Honorary Pchynatic
    Honorary Pchynatic

    Number of posts : 3809
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    Registration date : 2011-01-08

    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by Silent_Pen April 7th 2011, 9:08 pm

    red wrote:That's a good suggestion; I will try to make it more detailed.

    Thnx Smile. Waiting for the next scenes Smile
    Honorary Pchynatic
    Honorary Pchynatic

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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by Dann05 April 27th 2011, 11:10 pm

    i Haven't Read Everything just the part two parts..adn i still want to read it but this what i felt on the first part please don't mind me it is just my opinion.. Very Happy
    I felt Really awkward when he aex says the word boyfriend and it is like the story is revolving to aex....well this is just for the first two chapter..hope it will get better and better.. Very Happy
    Honorary Pchynatic
    Honorary Pchynatic

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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by Silent_Pen April 27th 2011, 11:18 pm


    Masanay ka na sa ganyan na mga fanfics Dann Very Happy
    Honorary Pchynatic
    Honorary Pchynatic

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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by Dann05 May 31st 2011, 3:47 pm

    hindi din pala to natapos??
    Honorary Pchynatic
    Honorary Pchynatic

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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by Silent_Pen May 31st 2011, 8:55 pm

    Hindi din.. HAHA.. Dann, hanggang anong chapter lang to? HAHA
    Honorary Pchynatic
    Honorary Pchynatic

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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by Dann05 May 31st 2011, 10:26 pm

    well i can't hardly remember...basta alam ko hindi to natapos pero nandito yung link ng isa pang fanfic na nagpaiyak talaga sa akin..at 1st time kong umiyak dahil lang sa fanfic..hehe!!

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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by Miharu May 31st 2011, 10:35 pm

    Uy, meron palang ibang fanfics dito! hindi ko pa talaga fully na didiscover ang site!! Gumawa rin pala si Sir Red ng kanyang version!! Cool ~ I'll read this later Razz
    Honorary Pchynatic
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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by Silent_Pen May 31st 2011, 11:28 pm

    Anong fanfic Dann? Na curious naman ako Smile
    Honorary Pchynatic
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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by Dann05 June 1st 2011, 12:20 am

    yung kay ceejay16...yung nandyan sa link nakakalat can't remember the page..yun!!grabe!!and i'm waiting for your fanfic wag kang gagaya dito ha...naku baka sapukin ako!!hehe
    Honorary Pchynatic
    Honorary Pchynatic

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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by Silent_Pen June 1st 2011, 12:34 am

    HAHAHA.. Natandaan ko na iyon, hanggang 8 lang iyon diba? W8, ano bang nangyari doon? HAHAHA
    Honorary Pchynatic
    Honorary Pchynatic

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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by Dann05 June 1st 2011, 12:43 am

    well cge kwento ko..ito yung iniwan ni aex si mew dahil alam nya na mas mahal ni mew si tong kaysa sa kanya which is the alternate ending..well hindi ko sinasabing hindi maganda yung unang ending na mew aex...it just mayy kulang na factor dun ko nakita sa alternate ending...ayun refresh already!?
    Honorary Pchynatic
    Honorary Pchynatic

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    Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel - Page 9 Empty Re: Love of Siam 2: A Fan Made Sequel

    Post by Silent_Pen June 1st 2011, 12:56 am

    Yeah now I do kaya happy nga ako nang gumawa pa siya ng isa pang ending.. HAHAHA

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